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Guidelines for Written Reflection

To receive the SEED certificate you must submit to the Job Placement Resource Center (JPRC), via email at jprc@harpercollege.edu, a written reflection that addresses what you learned in the SEED Program and/or from your employment with the College.

The reflection should be 1 – 2 pages double spaced in length. (Send as a Word or PDF)
Please select and respond to one or two of the following prompts for each workshop you attend.

  • What stood out to you? What surprised you, really clicked with you, interested you, or made you want to learn more?
  • What will you do differently in your current student job based on what you've learned? (For example, what will you do more of or less of?)
  • What are three major points you learned that you could share with someone in your same position to increase job performance?
  • What is a career goal you're considering? How might you use your SEED training in your future career?
  • What is one of your biggest strengths? How can you put that to work for you in your student job or future career? What is a quality you want to work on? What actions will you take, and/or what resources will you use, in order to work at this?

    You will have up to two weeks after attending the program to submit your reflection.