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Interpreting Your NLN Scores

  • Exam results will be available to view in your NLN Portal (https://ondemand.questionmark.com/home/405669/user) 4 hours after completing the test.
  • The following minimum RN Percentile scores are needed in order to be eligible to apply to a Limited Enrollment Program such as the Nursing Degree (RN), Practical Nursing Certificate (PNC), Dental Hygiene, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography or Radiologic Technology.
      • RN Percentile Rank Verbal – 40
      • RN Percentile Rank Math – 40
      • RN Percentile Rank Science – 40
      • RN Percentile Rank Composite – 60
  • Once the scores are posted, you will want to view the section entitled RN Program Applicants (example below) to interpret your performance. 

screenshot of nln score pageIn this example score report, the student received a Composite score of 46, a Verbal score of 49, a Math score of 31, and Science score of 51. The student with the score report in this example is not eligible to apply to a Limited Enrollment program with these NLN exam results due to fact that both the Math and Composite Percentile Ranks are each below the minimum required scores.